# Interview advice
Refuse to leave the interview until they offer you the job
Tell the interviewee you will be picturing them naked throughout the interview and giggle every now and again
If you have to fart during an interview cover it up with a scream
Skip the handshake and hug the interviewer to give yourself a 75% greater chance of getting the job
Eat plenty of fish and garlic 5 minutes before your interview for extra energy and brain power
Interviews are not policed as well as school exams, so leave your cheat notes in the toilet and check them during a pee break
Slip the interviewer money during the pre interview handshake. Even just £5 has been known to increase your chances of success by 50%
Drop in the interviewers house address as the answer to one of the starter questions. It will act as a minor threat and aid you getting the job.