Bunica care a furat de la nazisti
Pune cineva undeva doua poze cu tacamurile bunicii, furate in al doilea razboi mondial de la nemti, cu care respectiva bunica mai mananca si in ziua de azi.
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Every meal is a “screw you” to Hitler. This woman is a boss.
Good to know the back story, otherwise it’d be quite disturbing to have an elderly lady using Nazi paraphernalia daily.
Good for cutting into luftwaffles.
With those utensils, she just goebbels her food up!
Mein knife. Mein fork. Mein cutlery.
Oh yes, German quality!
“Fuck you hitler, I’m still eating my last meal 62 years later. I win.”
When I was in Germany in 2007 I took an ice cream spoon from a cafe and called it my reparations.
This is a bit more impressive.
“I’m in a concentration camp? Better take this silverware for when I get out!”
I bet no one “forks” with your grandma. She is beyond awesome.
Typical Jew!